Another Baddie Bites the Dust! No Two-Face in Dark Knight Rises

Looks like actor Aaron Eckhart got the tails end of the Two-Face coin during a recent discussion with director Christopher Nolan about his future in the third Batman installment: The Dark Knight Rises. Eckhart spills his heart to MTV about the conversation:

“Chris and I had a meeting, on the beach, just the two of us. I said, ‘Chris, a lot of people are asking me if I’m in the next ‘Batman.’ And Chris said, ‘Yes?’ I said, ‘Am I?’ He looked at me and he said, ‘No.’…We found ourselves alone on the beach together on a stormy day and he delivered the news to me. And I was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. But Chris has his reasons and my life must go on…Honestly, it was Heath’s movie to go on. We had a great movie. I’m so honored to be a part of that movie. I know Chris has got something in store that is going to blow everybody away.”

Earlier in the week Nolan shut down all rumors of Heath Ledger reappearing in the third film as The Joker. So no Joker, Two-Face or Riddler…OK. So who are the villains?

[Update] On a brighter note, the film’s script should be due today according to TDKR Associate Editor David S. Cohen. Good to hear Warner Bros. got the wheels on the Batpod rolling.

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